Experience the magic of the holiday season on the Côte d'Azur
ON THE CÔTE D'AZURExperience the magic of the holidays
in the Côte d'Azur resortsWind your way through Christmas market stalls
While in summer, sun-drenched fruit and vegetables reign supreme on the markets, in winter, the stalls give way to local traditions. Come and discover them with the whole family.
The scorching sun has retreated, the fruit is candied and the nativity scenes are set up in town and village squares. From now on, it’s wood fires like the cacho fio that warm up the whole Côte d’Azur. Between the wooden chalets and the illuminated decorations, the ancestral customs of the Côte d’Azur live on. Processions, songs and traditional rhythms mingle with fireworks and Christmas attractions. Like a condensed version of Provence and the Côte d’Azur, the Christmas markets immerse you in this unique atmosphere, a blend of modernity and age-old traditions.

Take part in traditional festivities
From the arteries of the cities to the steep streets of the Côte d’Azur villages, Christmas melodies resound.
Follow the sound of tambourines. They take you to the heart of the villages, where traditional dances, plays and processions are in full swing. As the year draws to a close, the people of the Côte d’Azur dress up in their finest costumes and parade around their villages for events such as the pastorale, calendar festivals and cacho fio.
An ode to Côte d’Azur culture, these festivities unveil all the region’s customs. Attend one of these performances and join the locals in perpetuating these ancestral traditions.
Taste the flavors of a Côte d’Azur Christmas
Culinary traditions in Provence rhyme with Christmas abundance. Do you like Côte d’Azur summer recipes? You’ll love our winter specialties! In a region brimming with gustatory treasures, these products of the land and sea are the perfect accompaniment to any festive occasion. And when New Year’s Eve rolls around, Côte d’Azur tables are decked out in their finest to welcome the traditional dishes of Gros Souper and Treize Desserts. Steeped in legend, these gourmet ceremonies have their origins in scenes from the Bible. Three candles for the Trinity, thirteen desserts reminiscent of the Last Supper, and a strong emphasis on charity… These codified meals are a proud heritage of the Côte d’Azur. Taste these refined recipes for yourself. Featuring both Provencal culture and local flavors, they’re sure to delight every palate.

Explore Santon Fairs and Christmas Cribs
At Christmastime, the villages of the Côte d’Azur shrink in size, and the characters that usually enliven the streets find themselves nestled in little cribs: santons.
In each village, admire the finest regional works and start your own collection. These colorful figurines are the standard-bearers of Provencal Christmas, depicting scenes from ancestral life. From the miller to the mayor, from the Three Wise Men to the farandoles, this incredible know-how has spread beyond the borders of the Côte d’Azur.
Listed as an intangible cultural heritage site, this tradition is a true tribute to Provence’s rich history.
Every year, Lucéram invites you to explore its nativity scene circuit.
Our accommodation for the festive season
Soak up the magical atmosphere of Christmas on the Côte d’Azur, in one of our accommodations.
Whether on the shores of the Mediterranean, enjoying the warmth of a Côte d’Azur winter, or beneath the peaks of the Pre-Alps, the region has so much to offer at this time of year.
Take part in the festivities, stroll through the Christmas markets and sample some traditional delicacies.
Spend the festive season on the Côte d’Azur and discover the local culture and customs.
Find the ideal accommodation to spend Christmas on the Côte d’Azur