The Simphonie ecclesiastiche by the monk-composer Adriano Banchieri, written in 1607 for the inauguration of Cesare Romani's organ at the monastery of Monte Olivero Maggiore in Siena, obey very strict rules of counterpoint and harmony.
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At the beginning of the 17th century, Italy was the scene of a major aesthetic and philosophical battle in the musical sphere. Prima and seconda prattica clashed, led respectively by Giovanni Maria Artusi on the one hand and Claudio Monteverdi on the other. Numerous oppositions followed the front line: supporters of polyphony versus those of monody, of music as an art of delight, capable of acting on the soul versus an art of emotion, of rigour versus fantasy....
Adriano Banchieri, a...
Adriano Banchieri, a...
Ticket for major sponsors: €15
Solidarity ticket from 0€: participation according to your means
Free participation for the opera at the Monastery
Solidarity ticket from 0€: participation according to your means
Free participation for the opera at the Monastery
Opening times
On 10 August 2024 at 18:00
Contact 7th Roya Early Music Festival: Between reason and pleasure, the lyre of Orpheus
Spoken languages
- Village centre