Amen Circuit

  • Sport
  • Pedestrian sports
  • Hiking itinerary
25 Place de Provence, 06470 Guillaumes
This circuit in the medium-sized mountains takes place along path cut in the rock faces of the Daluis and Amen gorges, in a rocky and warm Mediterranean environment.
From the carpark, cross the D2202 and head along the left bank of the Var, on the little Tireboeuf road which leads to the campsite.
The track (CD16) is located immediately on the left and is indicated by marker 111.
Head upwards following the yellow markers and cross the Tireboeuf Valley via a small stone bridge. At the following crossroads (marker 112), leave CD16 and turn left onto the climb towards Amen. Make sure that you do not lose the track as it heads down towards the Amen water...


Amen Circuit
25 Place de Provence, 06470 Guillaumes
Contact Amen Circuit

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  • Departure : Pont des Roberts, Guillaumes.
    Arrival : Pont des Roberts, Guillaumes.
    Coming from the Daluis Gorges on the D2202, 1.5km after Guillaumes on the small road to Tireboeuf.Park at the rest area, just after the Pont des Roberts on the left.
    Parking : Parking area, Pont des Roberts.
Updated on 12 September 2023 at 10:46
by Parc National du Mercantour
(Offer identifier : 5969816)
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