The actress Geneviève de Kermabon offers TNN her new creation Cattraper l'ange, in which interviews with around thirty artists are intertwined: Ariane Ascaride, Catherine Hiegel, and Charles Berling...
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The actress recounts their delicious or terrifying stories and immerses us in their artistic intimacy.
From these interviews, Geneviève de Kermabon imagines a story: that of Alice, whose parents are great artists whom she admires infinitely. Naturally, she tries to follow their path, but realizes that she has neither the gift, nor the flame, nor the strength. A single moving scene on the feeling of being or not being in one's place.
Design & play Geneviève de Kermabon
Tuesday May 27 -...
From these interviews, Geneviève de Kermabon imagines a story: that of Alice, whose parents are great artists whom she admires infinitely. Naturally, she tries to follow their path, but realizes that she has neither the gift, nor the flame, nor the strength. A single moving scene on the feeling of being or not being in one's place.
Design & play Geneviève de Kermabon
Tuesday May 27 -...
From 27 May 2025 to 28 May 2025
Opening times
From 27 May 2025 until 28 May 2025 - Open everyday