Chapelle Saint-Clément

  • Historic site and monument
  • Religious heritage
  • Chapel
chemin Saint-Clément, 83680 La Garde-Freinet
The chapel was built in the 17th Century, as a replacement for a former and much more ancient one. Its origin might go back to a private foundation of an estate of the late antiquity.
The capel of St Clement was restored between 1963 and 1967 by the Italian sculptor Marino Di Teana who conceived its restoration around the concept of the Way of the Cross created in glass elements.
At the far end of the choir a big glass cross reaching up to the top symbolizes the triangle of the Holy Trinity. The side walls and the façade have 14 glass-crosses representing the Stations of the Cross. Their disposition symbolizes the walk of the Christ on the Golgotha: falling, stopping,...


Chapelle Saint-Clément
chemin Saint-Clément, 83680 La Garde-Freinet
Contact Chapelle Saint-Clément

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Updated on 05 December 2023 at 14:49
by Communauté de communes du golfe de Saint Tropez
(Offer identifier : 3350197)
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