Cogolin / Bad Wildbad Twinning Committee

  • Associations
Bastide Pisan, 83310 Cogolin
Cultural and sporting exchanges with our twin town. Weekly German classes every Wednesday evening from 6:30pm to 7:30pm in the "Tamaris" room at Bastide Pisan, except during school vacations.
Twinned with the town of Bad Wildbad in the Black Forest since 1981, the twinning committee takes part in the annual "Sommerfest" in early July. Our Wildbad friends are also present at the "Fête du Coq" at the end of August/beginning of September in Cogolin.
Every year, we organize a joint 3-day twinning walk. It alternates between France and Germany.
Please contact us if you are interested in these activities.


All year 2025


Cogolin / Bad Wildbad Twinning Committee
Bastide Pisan, 83310 Cogolin
Contact Cogolin / Bad Wildbad Twinning Committee

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Updated on 15 October 2024 at 12:13
by Communauté de communes du golfe de Saint Tropez
(Offer identifier : 6750878)
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