Coucher de soleil en catamaran avec Passion Med

  • Water sports
Port du Niel, Port du Niel, 83400 Hyères
Embark from Port du Niel for a relaxing cruise to discover the unspoiled coastline. Enjoy a local aperitif while watching a stunning sunset, for a unique and convivial experience.
Enjoy a comfortable and safe catamaran, accompanied by certified guides and marine biology experts.
Discover the stunning Giens coast in a family-friendly and welcoming atmosphere, and enjoy a small aperitif on board.

Small Group: A maximum of 18 people for an intimate and personalized experience.
Family-Friendly and Welcoming Atmosphere: A warm vibe, perfect for relaxation and making lasting memories.
Sailing: When the wind allows, we sail for an authentic and...


From 1 April 2025 to 30 September 2025


Bank/credit cardBank/credit card
Travellers ChequeTravellers Cheque


From 1 April 2025 until 30 September 2025 - Open everyday


Coucher de soleil en catamaran avec Passion Med
Port du Niel, Port du Niel, 83400 Hyères
Contact Coucher de soleil en catamaran avec Passion Med

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Updated on 07 February 2025 at 11:29
by Office de Tourisme Provence Méditerranée
(Offer identifier : 7114152)
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