Enki Bilal - Déchronos - Memory of the Future

  • Cultural
  • Exhibition
  • Contemporary art
  • Visual/graphic arts
Salle Jean-Despas, 16, boulevard Vasserot, 83990 Saint-Tropez
"I remember, it was tomorrow", Enki Bilal
Far from being a retrospective, in this exhibition Enki Bilal evokes his vision of a world where time and humanity combine to produce the alchemy of life on a planet (and on a planet).
From calm to chaos, tension to clarity, the future is the artist's mirror of our mistakes and errors, our flashes and triumphs. The sensuality of the body forms the link.

This event explores Enki Bilal's futuristic visions and reflections on humanity and time. It's a program for fans of the Nikopol saga, but also for the general public. Born in Belgrade in 1951 and living in France since the age of 10, Enki Bilal is renowned for his major contributions to comics and illustration.



Enki Bilal - Déchronos - Memory of the Future
Salle Jean-Despas, 16, boulevard Vasserot, 83990 Saint-Tropez
Contact Enki Bilal - Déchronos - Memory of the Future

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  • French
Updated on 16 May 2024 at 11:35
by Saint-Tropez Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 6857064)
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