Baroque escapades: an introduction to the theatre of the Commedia dell'arte by the International Academy of Performing Arts (AIDAS) in Versailles - for children aged 8 and over
Their stage debut will live long in their memories. Blame it on Commedia Dell'arte: a theatrical genre where the imagination flourishes, between improvisations, facetiousness, acrobatics and flamboyant costumes. So don't be surprised if, at the end, your children are still playing their part.
That's the essence of their introduction to the art of acting.
For young audiences aged 8 and over
Bring your own lunch
That's the essence of their introduction to the art of acting.
For young audiences aged 8 and over
Bring your own lunch
Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
Contact Escapades Baroques: Introduction to theatre (booking required)
Spoken languages