Fort Maginot of Castillon

  • Historic site and monument
  • Military Patrimony
  • Fort
  • 20th C
Route du Col de Castillon, Le Col de Castillon, 06500 Castillon
This fort of the Maginot line, built in the 1930s under the ruins of the village, was intended to stop possible Italian attacks. It was the target of Allied bombing raids in 1944 to repel German troops.
The fort of Castillon is located at the Col de Castillon at an altitude of 740 meters, located under the ruins of the old medieval village. The construction had begun in 1932 in order to ensure the continuity of infantry and artillery fire between Sainte-Agnès and Le Barbonnet Fort.

With 337 soldiers, 7 supervised officers, the Fort of Castillon will only really be used one June 22 to 25, 1940 during an Italian attack from the border between Pierre Pointue and the Baisse de Scuvion.


Fort Maginot of Castillon
Route du Col de Castillon, Le Col de Castillon, 06500 Castillon
Contact Fort Maginot of Castillon

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Updated on 11 September 2024 at 14:28
by Office de Tourisme Menton, Riviera & Merveilles
(Offer identifier : 5805414)
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