In an extraordinary garden, a fusion of Mediterranean atmospheres and secret Tokyo addresses. On the menu, Kinugawa creations inspired by the Riviera and creative cocktails. Evening service. DJ sets.
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Kinugawa Ramatuelle promises a timeless experience in an extraordinary garden inland from the peninsula.
The vegetation is abundant, the setting enveloping and the energy intoxicating.
Imagined as a fusion of warm Mediterranean ambiences with enigmatic, secret Tokyo addresses, and faithful to Kinugawa's emblematic codes, this open-air setting invites you on an exceptional journey: warm wood moucharabiehs, veined, organic marble, subdued lanterns, all immersed in shades of terracotta, warm...
The vegetation is abundant, the setting enveloping and the energy intoxicating.
Imagined as a fusion of warm Mediterranean ambiences with enigmatic, secret Tokyo addresses, and faithful to Kinugawa's emblematic codes, this open-air setting invites you on an exceptional journey: warm wood moucharabiehs, veined, organic marble, subdued lanterns, all immersed in shades of terracotta, warm...
Not accessible in a wheelchair
Entertainment evenings
Air conditioned restaurant
Car park
Private parking
Evening service
Quality standards
Gault Millau
American Express
Bank/credit card
330 place setting
250 Dining tables outside
Groups (Max capacity)
- 250 Maximum number of people