La Casetta - Municipal Nursery

  • Fruits and derivative products
  • Producer
Ferdinand Bac, Route des Colombières, 06500 Menton
On the heights of Garavan, is the Casetta, the municipal nursery dedicated to citrus fruits.
In this magical place, protected by the mountains and overlooking the Mediterranean, the fruit so sought after by the finest grocery stores and the greatest chefs flourishes
On the heights of Garavan, behind the Colombières estate, La Casetta is a heavenly spot covering over 5,000 square meters.

Far from urbanization and bathed in sunshine, this municipal orchard is managed by the town's parks and gardens department, which organizes the harvests with the help of Menton's ESAT. The orchard is home to over three hundred trees, including a large number of lemon trees, as well as mandarin oranges, limes, tangors, kumquats, citrons, sweet oranges and pomelos, as...


Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance


Depending on the guided tours offered as part of the Lemon Festival.
Bank/credit cardBank/credit card
Travellers ChequeTravellers Cheque
Contactless paymentContactless payment


From 15 February 2025 until 2 March 2025 - Open everyday
As part of guided tours during the Lemon Festival.


La Casetta - Municipal Nursery
Ferdinand Bac, Route des Colombières, 06500 Menton
Contact La Casetta - Municipal Nursery

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Updated on 21 August 2024 at 16:09
by Office de Tourisme Menton, Riviera & Merveilles
(Offer identifier : 5651162)
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