La Palud beach

  • Water sports
  • Beach / Bathing Area
Port-Cros, 83400 Hyères
This small beach of coarse sand, shaded by tamarisk and bordered by a reedbed, is the setting for the underwater trail during the summer season.
This small beach, shaded by tamarisk and bordered by a magnificent reedbed, can be reached after a ¾-hour walk from the village. A system of ganivelles divides the space between areas dedicated to holidaymakers and protected plant areas. Above all, this beach is the starting point for the underwater trail, which, with a simple mask, allows you to observe a large number of underwater species, and extraordinary seabeds, in crystal-clear water bathed in sunlight. A series of immersed panels...


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50 secondes de la plage de la palud
50 secondes de la plage de la palud
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La Palud beach
Port-Cros, 83400 Hyères
Spoken languages
  • French
  • On an island
  • Waterside
  • Sandy beach
Updated on 18 December 2024 at 10:56
by Office de Tourisme Provence Méditerranée
(Offer identifier : 4670278)
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