Friday 5 december

Light Festival in Grimaud

  • Entertainment/recreation
  • parade
  • Afternoon tea
  • Illuminations
  • Christmas
  • New Year festivities
Place Vieille, Place Vieille, 83310 Grimaud
Illuminate the village, take a torchlit walk, enjoy a show and share a moment of mulled wine, roasted chestnuts and hot chocolate.
The Festival of Light marks the start of the wonderful Christmas season! To mark the occasion, Grimaud is decked out in its finest illuminations...

For the past 18 years, this evening has been a celebration of light to herald the start of the Christmas festivities.

With a concert, a spectacular show, actors and illuminated facades, it's sure to be a spectacular evening, and the spotlight will continue to shine on light during this convivial time to be shared with family and friends....


Pets welcome

Opening times

On 5 December 2025


Light Festival in Grimaud
Place Vieille, Place Vieille, 83310 Grimaud
Contact Light Festival in Grimaud

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  • French
Updated on 09 December 2024 at 09:51
by Office de tourisme de Grimaud
(Offer identifier : 916260)
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