Saturday 17 may at 20:30

Lou Trotignon - Mérou

  • Cultural
  • One man Show / One woman show
  • Comic
Théâtre de la Cité, 3 rue Paganini, 06000 Nice
This show is presented in partnership with the association Les Culottées as part of the day against homophobia and transphobia.
Since the Grouper is changing gender, why not Lou? When she was born, her family and doctors decreed that Lou would be a woman, and Lou doesn't agree with that. Lou humorously tells her personal story of transition: from taking testosterone, to stripping, to discovering the Queer world. Lou thus echoes questions that we all ask ourselves: are we obliged to be what we were told to be? Can we reinvent our bodies, our relationship with love? Would it be possible to rewrite our own story?


On 17 May 2025
Full price

Reduced price

Opening times

On 17 May 2025
  • 20:30


Lou Trotignon - Mérou
Théâtre de la Cité, 3 rue Paganini, 06000 Nice
Contact Lou Trotignon - Mérou

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Updated on 09 October 2024 at 16:03
by Office de Tourisme Métropolitain Nice Côte d'Azur
(Offer identifier : 7118267)
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