As part of the Journées Nationales d'Action contre l'Illettrisme (National Days of Action against Illiteracy), in partnership with the Soroptimist Club of Menton, the library is offering two shows for children and two treasure hunts.
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Espace jeunesse :
10 am / 11 am Theatre ‘Le canard qui avait un bec de lièvre’ (The duck with the hare's beak) by the Compagnie Dessous de Scène. Registration required for ages 5 and up.
11 am / 12.15 pm Treasure hunt: followed by a writing workshop for 7/11 year-olds (write a report on a book)
2.30 pm / 3.30 pm Theatre ‘Le roman de Renart’ by the Dessous de Scène company. Registration required for ages 7 and upwards
3.30 pm / 4.30 pm Treasure hunt...
10 am / 11 am Theatre ‘Le canard qui avait un bec de lièvre’ (The duck with the hare's beak) by the Compagnie Dessous de Scène. Registration required for ages 5 and up.
11 am / 12.15 pm Treasure hunt: followed by a writing workshop for 7/11 year-olds (write a report on a book)
2.30 pm / 3.30 pm Theatre ‘Le roman de Renart’ by the Dessous de Scène company. Registration required for ages 7 and upwards
3.30 pm / 4.30 pm Treasure hunt...
Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
Site, building totally accessible
Possibility of drop-off in front of the site
Documentation available in Braille