Paroisse Saint-Nicolas

20, avenue Prince de Galles, 06400 Cannes
Directed since 2016 by the archpriest, Father Guy Largillière, the Saint Nicolas Parish of Cannes has brought together all the old Cannes parishes since 2002.
It is the grouping of the local communities of Notre Dame d'Espérance (and the Notre Dame de la Miséricorde chapel), the Saint Joseph church, Notre Dame de Bon Voyage (and the Memorial chapel), Notre Dame des Pins (and the Saint George Chapel), the Church of Christ the King and the Sacred Heart of the Prado (and the St Paul Chapel).


Paroisse Saint-Nicolas
20, avenue Prince de Galles, 06400 Cannes
Updated on 17 February 2024 at 16:25
by SEMEC - Office de Tourisme de Cannes
(Offer identifier : 5989133)
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