In this workshop, Clarisse will help you discover the "life song" and the "voices of being", which you will practice together, in all benevolence and simplicity...
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"Clarisse, Fairy Birthmother of the song of Being, offers the sound, creates a space-time...we let ourselves be deposited, the body dissolves.
Then words, a presence, velvet gestures, she invites us to emit the sound of our voice.
Benevolence, humility, welcoming our Being, our authentic voice.
She weaves a subtle and secure progression...then our true voice dares to bloom.
Gentle and powerful accompaniment.
A wonderment!
I tasted an unprecedented anchoring to the Earth.
Thank you!" ...
Then words, a presence, velvet gestures, she invites us to emit the sound of our voice.
Benevolence, humility, welcoming our Being, our authentic voice.
She weaves a subtle and secure progression...then our true voice dares to bloom.
Gentle and powerful accompaniment.
A wonderment!
I tasted an unprecedented anchoring to the Earth.
Thank you!" ...
Contact Singing for all - Circle song
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