Snorkeling in la Palud (Port Cros)

  • Leisure
  • Water sports
  • Underwater trail
Plage de la Palud, Port-Cros, 83400 Hyères
This underwater trail is an opportunity to discover the Mediterranean underwater flora and fauna in the marine protected area of the Parc National de Port-Cros.
You can learn to recognize the species you come across thanks to 6 buoys equipped with underwater information panels along the way. The treasures of the Mediterranean will no longer hold any secrets for you.

At depths of just two meters, you can watch the posidonia meadow waltz to the rhythm of the waves. As you get closer, you'll spot sea urchins, mother-of-pearl and the many fish that shelter there. Further out, you'll come across species that prefer the dark, such as encrusting...


From 15 June 2025 until 15 September 2025 - Open everyday


palmer sur le sentier sous marin de la palud a port cros
palmer sur le sentier sous marin de la palud a port cros
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Snorkeling in la Palud (Port Cros)
Plage de la Palud, Port-Cros, 83400 Hyères
Contact Snorkeling in la Palud (Port Cros)

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  • French
  • To reach the island of Port-Cros, shuttles leave from the ports of Le Lavandou and Hyères all year round. After the crossing, it's a 30-minute walk to La Palud beach.
Updated on 20 December 2024 at 11:51
by Parc national de Port-Cros
(Offer identifier : 794259)
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