South Beach

  • Water sports
  • Beach / Bathing Area
Port-Cros, 83400 Hyères
The south beach offers superb colors and an unforgettable view of the open sea.
The most accessible but also the busiest, this small white-sand beach is a 30-minute walk from the village. It's the most sheltered in an easterly wind. The southern beach offers superb colors and an unforgettable view out to sea. From the seafront, you can see the Pointe de Malalongue. Don't forget that you're in the heart of the National Park, and that you need to be particularly vigilant to ensure that the island and its seabed remain unspoiled. No anchoring is allowed near the shore.


South Beach
Port-Cros, 83400 Hyères
Contact South Beach

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Spoken languages
  • French
  • On an island
  • Waterside
  • Sandy beach
Updated on 03 July 2024 at 12:31
by Office de Tourisme Provence Méditerranée
(Offer identifier : 4673510)
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