Created in 1864, on the grounds of the former abattoir, this square was initially called Square L. Brougham and renamed Square Frédéric Mistral on 3 December 1963 as a tribute to the famous Provençal poet and founder of the Félibrige movement.
Botanical curiosities:
Note the presence of a Sequoia Sempervirens in the centre of the square, a Cock's Crest Erythrina and a Jacaranda.
To see:
The Statue of the poet Frédéric Mistral is on the east side of the square.
Opening hours:
November to March: 8.30am - 5.30pm
April to October: 8.30am - 6.30pm
Note the presence of a Sequoia Sempervirens in the centre of the square, a Cock's Crest Erythrina and a Jacaranda.
To see:
The Statue of the poet Frédéric Mistral is on the east side of the square.
Opening hours:
November to March: 8.30am - 5.30pm
April to October: 8.30am - 6.30pm