We offer you a seaside holiday between Hyères, Toulon and La Seyne-sur-Mer, from November 2024 to March 2025.
Offers include 1 night in 3-star hotels with breakfast, round-trip tickets to the island of Porquerolles, unlimited access to the Mistral network of buses and boat-buses, and a digital guidebook.
Prices start at €154 for two people in a 3-star hotel, with optional extra nights.
- Accommodation in 3-star hotels in Hyères, Toulon or La Seyne
- Unlimited bus pass
- Round-trip...
Choose your hotel
Spend a day in Porquerolles
Unlimited bus or abteau/bus travel
The best season to visit the Var
Overnight in hotel 3 étoiles with breakfast
Return trips to Porquerolles island
Unlimited bus and boat passes
Digital road book
Extra night €80 | Free cancellation d-48h