Téléthon: Visite de la Casetta

  • Cultural
  • Entertainment/recreation
  • Guided tour
  • Flowers plants
Office de Tourisme, 8 avenue Boyer, 06500 Menton
As part of the Lemon Festival®, we invite you to visit a magnificent exotic garden with landscaped architecture, created in Menton by Major Lawrence Johnston in 1924.
A few kilometres from the coast, in the Madonna district, Lawrence Johnston, American, British and French citizen of heart chose to make his home and create a garden where he could install the rarest plants that he would bring from the end of the world. Labeled Remarkable Garden the property lists magnificent essences that make the originality and quality of this garden: the tropical oak of the Himalayas the two immense Podocarpus, the great Magnolia delavayi of Yunnan etc…. Enter this...


Not accessible in a wheelchair


Visits are open to anyone wishing to make a donation to the Telethon of at least €20, in cash or by cheque. Donations can be made directly on site.
Bank/credit cardBank/credit card
Travellers ChequeTravellers Cheque
Groups (Max capacity)
  • 30 Maximum number of people

Opening times

Cancelled in case of bad weather


Téléthon: Visite de la Casetta
Office de Tourisme, 8 avenue Boyer, 06500 Menton
Contact the organizer

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Spoken languages
  • French
  • Close to a trunk road
  • Town outskirts
  • Close to a public transportation
  • Bus stop < 500 m
  • Access possible via : Zest line N° 7 ; 21 ; 22 : Stop Serre de la Madone .
    Free parking in the garden.
Updated on 22 November 2024 at 16:26
by Office de Tourisme Menton, Riviera & Merveilles
(Offer identifier : 7175168)
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