A hike to discover the historical heritage of Port-Cros island, including the island's 5 forts.
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1. From the Maison de Parc, go down the stairs and turn left after the post office, towards Fort du Moulin. 2. Go around the fort. Opposite the drawbridge, take the path leading to Plage de la Palud.3. You can choose between the "Plage de la Palud par le sentier des plantes" option or stay on the main path.4. At Plage de la Palud, cross the beach and climb the stairs at the end. Continue on the path.5. After about a kilometer, continue on the path which bends slightly to the left, towards...
Contact The forts circuit
- Departure point: Maison de Parc de Port-Cros.
Arrival point: Maison de Parc de Port-Cros.
From the A570, take the D197 to Port Saint-Pierre in Hyères.
Parking: Parking Arromanche; Parking du quai des pêcheurs; Parking de l'hippodrome.
Hyères center Port Saint-Pierre
Bus route 67
For timetables, visit https://www.reseaumistral.com