A partire dal Medioevo, le case furono costruite sul versante sud, con vista sulla Roya. Il villaggio attuale ha conservato la sua caratteristica disposizione medievale, con strade che corrono parallele al pendio, collegate da vicoli perpendicolari, i "carugiu".
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The current village still preserves its original medieval layout, consisting of streets parallel to the slope, connected by perpendicular alleys, the "carugiu", which are sometimes covered. The whole was protected by an enclosure with access doors.
On the Route of the Nisso-Ligurian Baroque, decorations with shimmering motifs compete with a more sober but richer architecture of lintels sculpted in the green stone of Tende. From the top of the castle of the Counts Lascaris, a grandiose...
On the Route of the Nisso-Ligurian Baroque, decorations with shimmering motifs compete with a more sober but richer architecture of lintels sculpted in the green stone of Tende. From the top of the castle of the Counts Lascaris, a grandiose...
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