The salt road

  • Natural wonder
Route du Sel, L'Almanarre, 83400 Hyères
A change of scenery guaranteed. This 4km-long road takes you from the Almanarre beach to the Giens peninsula, skirting the Pesquiers salt marsh.
Located on the western slope of the double tombolo of the Giens peninsula, this walk allows you to discover the ornithological fauna of the salt marshes.
Closed to traffic (cars from November to April), this walk on the western slope of the double tombolo of the Giens peninsula allows you to discover the ornithological fauna of the salt marshes. From the observatory positioned in the middle of the road, you can admire pink flamingos, egrets, herons and floral species such as sea lilies (a...


Car park
Pets welcome
Pets on a leash are allowed on the road, but the beach is off-limits to pets by prefectural decree.


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The salt road
Route du Sel, L'Almanarre, 83400 Hyères
Spoken languages
  • French
  • Town outskirts
  • Sea view
  • Waterside
  • Feet in the water: sea
  • Sea within 300 m
  • Feet in the water: beach
  • Beach within 300 m
  • Close to a public transportation
Updated on 03 July 2024 at 09:33
by Office de Tourisme Provence Méditerranée
(Offer identifier : 4736152)
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