The Sarracen Gate

  • Historic site and monument
  • Historic patrimony
  • Ruins and remains
  • Rampart
  • Door
  • 16th C
Village, 83350 Ramatuelle
It opens in the defensive walls of the village of Ramatuelle formed by the outer perimeter of the houses. It has retained its original appearance.
From inside, one still distinguishes the slide of the harrow (or Saracen) and hinges and brackets that were used to support the door with 2 panels which was installed in 1792 during the war against Austria and Prussia.
From the outside, one can see two stone arms that were used to support a watch tower (watchtower sentry often placed above a door).


Pets welcome
Tourist information
Tour free of charge


The Sarracen Gate
Village, 83350 Ramatuelle
Contact The Sarracen Gate

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  • French
  • Town location
Updated on 17 January 2022 at 14:01
by Office de tourisme et de la culture de Ramatuelle
(Offer identifier : 4601141)
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