The water circuit

  • Cultural
  • Pedestrian sports
  • Hiking itinerary
Île de Porquerolles, 83400 Hyères
At 8 stations along the circuit, you'll learn all about the route and the use of water on Porquerolles.
From the Porquerolles Information Office (BIP), head towards the village.
Drive along the Place d'Armes, leaving it on your left, and take the asphalt road that runs straight ahead towards the lighthouse. This road is bordered on the right by a temporary stream, "la Garonne", which collects rainwater.
On your right, you'll see the park's Maison du Palmier. Continue straight ahead to reach the trailhead.
At the crossroads of the olive trees, the trail begins. It is marked by blue ceramic...


Pets welcome
Pets on leash.
Pets supplement


vidéo de présentation
vidéo de présentation
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The water circuit
Île de Porquerolles, 83400 Hyères
Contact The water circuit

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Spoken languages
  • French
  • Forest location
  • Close to pleasure port
  • Village 2 km away
  • On the island of Porquerolles, in the heart of the Port-Cros National Park.
Updated on 22 April 2021 at 08:55
by Parc national de Port-Cros
(Offer identifier : 5215317)
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