Saturday 30 november at 20:30

Théâtre : Neige

  • Cultural
  • Theatre
Carré Léon Gaumont 107 route du Plan de la Tour 83120 Sainte-Maxime
Playwright and director Pauline Bureau weaves several stories together in a matryoshka-like narrative: those of a young girl and her mother, a hunter and a wolf, a father, a couple of teenagers and a gang of mates.

The setting? A forest, usually at night. It's an opportunity to evoke, in a theatre of magical images, the quest for oneself, but also the animality of the human being.

Fascinated by the threefold redemption of Snow White's heroine, Pauline Bureau finds food for thought in the passage of time, between adolescence and old age, symbolised by different states of water. From frozen water to snow.

She sets the scene in the depths of an enchanted forest, and creates a kaleidoscope of video images, filmed underwater in particular, and special effects to give substance to her text about the emancipation of a young teenager of 14.

With Clément Debailleul as her accomplice, she develops a world of sensitive magic, ‘a magic of appearances, disappearances, possibilities, sometimes levitations, sometimes mirror effects’ that resonate with the marvellousness of the tale.

But the dazzling aesthetics of Neige should not detract from the nuanced initiation story about family and intergenerational relationships, and the need to rebuild bonds.

Molière 2024 for Sound and Visual Design.
Molière 2024 for Young Audiences.

Opening times

On 30 November 2024 at 20:30


Théâtre : Neige
Carré Léon Gaumont 107 route du Plan de la Tour 83120 Sainte-Maxime
Contact Théâtre : Neige

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Updated on 26 August 2024 at 14:30
by Office de tourisme de Sainte Maxime
(Offer identifier : 6593475)
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