Tour du fort

  • Historic site and monument
  • Historic patrimony
  • Military Patrimony
  • Fortified castle
  • Tower
  • Rampart
  • 11th C
Rue du Fort, 83580 Gassin
This tower is the last remnant of the primitive medieval fort of Gassin. Modest in size, it was created for the defense of this site chosen for its inaccessibility and its unobstructed view, to prevent Saracen raids and attacks by other lords.
The Gassin tower has certain characteristics typical of military works from the Middle Ages in Provence. This is particularly the case for the bumpy rubble visible on the walls. These local limestone stones are roughly cut and had the advantage of being easy to handle.
After the pacification of the region, the tower was converted into a cistern to meet the important water needs of the village.


Tour du fort
Rue du Fort, 83580 Gassin
Contact Tour du fort

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  • French
Updated on 31 August 2021 at 09:01
by Office de tourisme de Gassin
(Offer identifier : 4697004)
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