Tour Fondue Trail Archaeological underwater

  • Sport
  • Water sports
  • Underwater trail
1 chemin du Bouvet, La Tour Fondue, Giens, 83400 Hyères
Set off to discover an immersed heritage by following this underwater trail.
Supervised by a state-certified instructor.
Following your activity, you will collect your ticket to explore Fort du Pradeau.
Feel the sensations of an archaeologist when you'll be able to discover a buried treasure. This is a very unique experience offered on the Bouvet archaeological underwater trail...
Only a few metres from the shore, the trail is marked with explanatory booklets.( The trail is around 6 meters deep )
Amphorae discovered on the wreck of the Madrague were found in the early 1970s in Giens and they have been re-submerged. The remains were installed on the edge of the Pointe du Bouvet, forming...


Mental disability


40€ for children and adults (includes admission to Fort du Pradeau)


le sentier sous-marin de la tour fondue
le sentier sous-marin de la tour fondue
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Tour Fondue Trail Archaeological underwater
1 chemin du Bouvet, La Tour Fondue, Giens, 83400 Hyères
Contact Tour Fondue Trail Archaeological underwater

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Updated on 09 November 2023 at 10:49
by Office de Tourisme Provence Méditerranée
(Offer identifier : 4776434)
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