Town hall

  • Historic site and monument
  • Historic patrimony
  • House
  • 16th C
Place de la Mairie, 83580 Gassin
The town hall of Gassin receives the council of the commune since its creation in 1584. It knew successive enlargements and accommodated the common oven and the communal school. It is symbolic of the architecture of the villages of Provence of these periods.
The building is listed in the inventory of historic monuments.
The first "town house" was built above the banal oven, after authorization from the Lord of Châteauneuf, co-Lord of Gassin in 1584. Banality is the general and compulsory use of a property belonging to the Lord or to the one who acquired this property with its banality: which was the case of said oven, passing from hand to hand, bought by the municipality, then sold to Sieur Ollivier to pay off loan debts, finally bought to make...


Car park
Sustainable development
Meeting room
Waste management
Free car park
Tourist brochures


À la découverte de gassin - saison 1, épisode 6 : la mairie
À la découverte de gassin - saison 1, épisode 6 : la mairie
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chemin de traverse : gassin
chemin de traverse : gassin
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Town hall
Place de la Mairie, 83580 Gassin
Contact Town hall

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Updated on 14 June 2024 at 10:30
by Office de tourisme de Gassin
(Offer identifier : 5482227)
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