Walking tour "Circuit du Dragon".

  • Sport
  • Pedestrian sports
  • Hiking itinerary
  • Trail route
Elevation : 1111m
Place Victor Masseglia - Maison du Portal, 06670 Levens
Don't let the title of the Dragon fool you,
This one no longer spits flames, it can be struck down by St
Michel du Férion whose chapel is built a few
on the crest of the Férion.
The view to the north extends to the Affaia valley and the old arsenic mine of Eguisse. The pass between the Pointe du Castellar (1137m) and Mont Férion (1412m) offers the possibility of climbing to the summit of Férion and descending the homonymous ridge or, as with this itinerary, reaching Levens.


Walking tour "Circuit du Dragon".
Elevation : 1111m
Place Victor Masseglia - Maison du Portal, 06670 Levens
Contact Walking tour "Circuit du Dragon".

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Updated on 29 October 2024 at 17:18
by Office de Tourisme Métropolitain Nice Côte d'Azur
(Offer identifier : 6039494)
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