Walking tour of Mont Agaisen

  • Sport
  • Pedestrian sports
  • Hiking itinerary
Mont Agaisen, 06380 Sospel
An easy rountrip from Sospel center. From the top, a paragliders lauch site, you can have a nice view over Sospel and the Agaisen fortified structure.
From the Pont de la libération ( B.70) follow the road on the right for about 200 m, then take on the left to reach by some stairs the primary school square (B.72), come up the road until a curve (B.73 & 74) where starts the GR 52.
Wide and steady the trail join a road that you follow to the north for about 250 m.(B.75) Take on the right the trail which climbs to a crossroad (B.84) and go on to reach the mont Agaisen up to the collar (666 m- B.83) A short return to the mont Agaisen (750 m)...


Walking tour of Mont Agaisen
Mont Agaisen, 06380 Sospel
Contact Walking tour of Mont Agaisen

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  • French
  • Mountain location
  • Panoramic view
Updated on 16 April 2024 at 12:04
by Office de Tourisme Menton, Riviera & Merveilles
(Offer identifier : 5688745)
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