Water Walking Esterel WWE

  • Water sports
  • water trip
Plage du Veillat, 83700 Saint-Raphaël
Longe côte practice at 3 levels: Zen, Tonic, Sport and Competition. Participation in the French Longe côte Championships.
Known as "sea wading" in English, this is a nautical discipline that consists of walking in the sea wearing adapted equipment , such as webbed gloves and a paddle, with an immersion level between the navel and the chest.
The technique highlights the combined advantages of a sport suitable for all and the various benefits of the marine environment, including improved immune defences.

Muscular strengthening: Practising in an aqueous environment allows you to work in a weightless setting,...
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Water Walking Esterel WWE
Plage du Veillat, 83700 Saint-Raphaël
Contact Water Walking Esterel WWE

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Updated on 13 February 2025 at 12:38
by Office de tourisme de Saint-Raphaël
(Offer identifier : 6958019)
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