End of the 100 km limit on travel
Among the most-awaited measures in the run up to the summer season, the Prime Minister announced the end of the prohibition on travelling more than 100 km from home, as of 2 June . French people may start to travel beyond this 100 km circle again, in France, in the DOM-TOM (overseas departments and territories – in compliance with the 14-day isolation period) and can also plan foreign travel. France is in favour of reopening internal European borders as of 15 June if the health situation so permits, without a 14-day isolation period, unless a reciprocal isolation measure needs to be established.
For tourist flows outside of Europe, an assessment will be made by all European countries on 15 June, in order to determine if Europe’s external borders should be reopened and also the specific methods for this (countries concerned, isolation periods to be applied, etc.).
EN DIRECT | Conférence de presse du Premier ministre @EPhilippePM sur la deuxième étape du #déconfinement. https://t.co/ECQbzZIzxz
— Gouvernement (@gouvernementFR) May 28, 2020