This website is managed by the:
Comité Régional de Tourisme Côte d’Azur France
455, Promenade des Anglais
CS 53126 – Bâtiment Horizon
06203 Nice Cedex 3 – France
Tél : +33 (0)4 93 37 78 78
E-mail : info@cotedazurfrance.fr
Design and maintenance
This WebSite is created by the Agence Raccourci.
Agence Raccourcy
18 Boulevard Maréchal Lyautey
17000 La Rochelle
Tél : +33 (0)5 46 28 17 17
This website is hosted by OVH.
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Tél. : +33 (0)9 72 10 10 07
Purpose of the website
The Comité Régional de Tourisme Côte d’Azur France (Regional Tourist Board) is in charge of promoting tourism in the Côte d’Azur France region in France and overseas. Regional Tourist Boards are in charge of providing French and international tourists with regional tourism information in the form of publications, websites and multimedia material. Other missions such as economic monitoring of the tourism sector, the regional tourism scheme and organisation of travel professionals and tourism-related sectors and jobs are also developed at various levels.
This website is the property of the website Publisher. It is made available to users subject to their unconditional acceptance of the terms, conditions and warnings contained herein. The legal representative of the website Publisher is the Comité Régional de Tourisme.
The website Publisher shall make every effort to ensure the accuracy and pertinence of all information provided on this website. However, the website Publisher cannot guarantee that the information contained in this website is exhaustive, accurate and error-free. The website Publisher reserves the right to correct or modify the site content at any time and without prior notice. The website Publisher may not be held liable for the information available on this website or the use of the information contained in this website or obtained in response to a question asked via this website.
The website Publisher may not under any circumstances be held liable for any damages, whether direct or indirect, resulting from the use of this website or in relation to this website. More generally, the website Publisher waivers all liability regarding the use of this website. The website Publisher cannot and does not guarantee that the server hosting the website is free of viruses and that the files available for downloading on this website or any other third party website are free of viruses or operating errors. Insofar as viruses can be transmitted via the Internet, we recommend that users take the necessary measures to protect their computer against any intrusions or technical problems that may damage the user’s computer components or stored data. In any event, the website Publisher and its subcontractors may not be held liable for any damages occurring as a result of connection to and browsing of this website.
Any attempts to transfer information to a third party website or modify the information contained in this website are prohibited and may lead to civil or criminal proceedings by the website Publisher. The website Publisher may not be held liable for any hyperlinks or other computing elements used directly or indirectly from this website.
The website Publisher does not guarantee and makes no undertakings with regards to third party websites and is not responsible for their content. If you wish to create a link to this website, you must contact the website Publisher beforehand at the following address: pro@cotedazurfrance.fr.
Statistical data
The website Publisher compiles anonymous statistical data based on the number of visitors to this website, their length of stay, geographical origin (country and town of connection) and pages browsed. Google Analytics is incorporated in this website and uses cookies for this purpose. No personal information is collected without your knowledge or transferred to third parties. With the exception of Google Analytics, the website functionalities do not require cookies.
Copyright © – Content reuse
All data and information contained in this website is protected by copyright and intellectual property rights. The whole or partial reproduction of documents featured on this website is authorized exclusively for personal and private informative use; all reproduction or use of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited and may constitute an infringement of copyright under articles L.335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.
This website is governed by French law and the competent courts are the French courts. The databases incorporated in this website, produced by the website Publisher, are protected by the provisions of the French law of July 1st, 1998 adapting the French Intellectual Property Code to incorporate the European directive of March 11th, 1996 relative to database protection.
All content (photos, texts, videos, audios, etc.) available on this website is and shall remain the exclusive property of the Comité Régional de Tourisme and/or its partners. All reproduction, even partial, is strictly prohibited in accordance with the French Intellectual Property Code.
You are not therefore authorized to reproduce, represent or market this content with the exception of the following cases: private copy (you may print website pages for your personal use); family viewing (you may only show the pages of this website within a circle of family or friends). In any event, you may not make any secondary use of this website’s content, whether free or paying.
Intellectual property and copyright
Article L 122-4 of the French Intellectual Property Code
Any representation or complete or partial reproduction made without the approval of the author or their beneficiaries or legal successors is illicit. The same applies to translation, adaptation, transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any technique or process.
Article L 335-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code
Any written edition, musical composition, drawing, painting or any other production, fully or partially printed or burned, regardless of the laws and regulations relative to the authors’ property, is an infringement of copyright, and any infringement of copyright is an offense.
In France, the infringement of copyright of works published in France or abroad is punishable by three year’s imprisonment and a fine of €300,000.
The same penalties shall apply to the sale, export, import, transhipment or detention of counterfeit works for the aforesaid purpose.
The same act committed by an organized group is punishable by five year’s imprisonment and a fine of €500,000.
For details, please refer to the annotated Celog Intellectual Property Code website.
Privacy policy
As the organisation in charge of website data processing in the framework of the “Loi Informatique et Libertés” French data protection act n° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, amended in 2004, the Comité régional de Tourisme Côte d’Azur France is responsible for the personal data it collects. This data is collected to allow you, as a customer, potential customer or simple user of our services, to receive personalized data, manage your requests, put forward adapted commercial offers and, if applicable, allow you to benefit from offers from our partners. This data also allows us to administrate and improve our marketing activities and services to our customers. When your personal data is collected, you are informed of the obligatory or optional character of the information requested in order to benefit from a service and the consequences of failure to provide such information. You are also informed how the Comité Régional de Tourisme Côte d’Azur France intends to use your data, of your right to access, rectify, oppose or delete your data, and provided with information regarding data portability and processing limits.
Data protection
The personal data collected on this website is protected by the “Loi Informatique et Libertés” French data protection act n° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, amended in 2004.
You have the right to access, rectify, oppose or delete this data by contacting the Comité régional de Tourisme Côte d’Azur France via email or the contact form.
Collected information
We collect your personal data, name and address (and email address), as well as other pertinent information indicated on the forms featured on the website.
Use of your personal information
We use your personal data to respond to your requests in the framework of our activity and commercial relationships. The Comité régional de Tourisme Côte d’Azur France does not hold files for resale to web marketing firms.
Data storage
Your personal data is stored for 13 months from the date of our last contact (you can request deletion of your data using the website contact form).
Terms of use and cookie policy
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Cookies used
The following types of information may be automatically collected and stored during your visit:
- Domain name and Internet Protocol (IP) address used to access our website.
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- The date of your visit to our website.
- The geographical area from which you accessed our website.
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- Google Analytics cookies, which are intended to allow us to analyse traffic to our pages in order to improve their content. Data relative to visitor browsing behaviour is not used nominatively but is used to compile statistics on the most and least-visited pages, most popular click paths, activity levels per day and time and main client and server errors.
- Google Tag Manager cookies, which are used to manage “advertising” tags in the framework of retargeting campaigns.
- Social media cookies, which are intended to allow social media users to share content found on this website. If you deactivate cookies, this functionality will also be deactivated.
Personal data safety
The Comité régional de Tourisme Côte d’Azur France uses all technical means to guarantee the safety of your personal data and prevent its loss or improper use.