The waters of the Siagne, sometimes a joyously chaotic spectacle, sometimes spreading out into peaceful, translucent pools (launes), are forced to pass beneath the natural arch known as the Ponadieu.
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The deep, ever-present roar of the tumultuous waters of the Siagne can be heard from afar.
The Pont de Ponadieu was created by limestone deposits (tufa) from a now-extinct spring. It is a light rock (used in buildings) that bears impressions of vegetation.
Reaching reach this natural arch requires a walk lasting 45 minutes to an hour (feasible for all). The path goes downhill and leads to a pool beneath this magnificent natural arch that spans the river (1,709 feet/521 meters). The...
The Pont de Ponadieu was created by limestone deposits (tufa) from a now-extinct spring. It is a light rock (used in buildings) that bears impressions of vegetation.
Reaching reach this natural arch requires a walk lasting 45 minutes to an hour (feasible for all). The path goes downhill and leads to a pool beneath this magnificent natural arch that spans the river (1,709 feet/521 meters). The...