Ein Baum aus der Familie der Ölbaumgewächse (Oleaceae), der in Afrika, Asien und Europa weit verbreitet ist. Der Baum Olea europaea kann bis zu bis zu 15 Meter hoch werden.
The Olea europaea can produce up to 50 kg of olives after several years of cultivation. These trees live several centuries, even millennia.
In Menton, there are nearly 1,200 olive trees scattered throughout the city, including 545 in the Parc du Pian, located on the heights of Garavan.
In Menton, there are nearly 1,200 olive trees scattered throughout the city, including 545 in the Parc du Pian, located on the heights of Garavan.
All year 2025 - Open everyday
Contact Remarkable trees : Olea Europaea - Common Olive Tree
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- In centre of town
- Town location
- Sea within 300 m
- Bus stop < 500 m
- Close to a public transportation